It is created for those who want to change their lives using the energy of the planets (astrology) and new methods of psychology.

My name is Olga Vorobey and I am a practicing Life Coach. I was born in Ukraine. Now I live in Canada. I always loved traveling.  That’s why I work in the travel industry all my life and traveled a lot around the world. Travel is the best way to learn about yourself and the world around you.

I hold a Master’s degree in Management. Since childhood, I have been interested in various sciences about awareness, spirituality, and self-development. I completed a Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Interviewing and Counselling Skills courses at Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada, and a course on “Astropsychology. The Formula of Soul” with one of the teachers of the School of Russian Astrology “Volhvy”, where I received a Certificate. In 2019 I completed a course on Philosophical and predictive tarot systems at the school of Taropsychology. In March 2020 I got a Certificate of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) And Counselling in Canada. Now I study Counselling and Spirituality at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada

Today I would like to share my knowledge and experience to help others.

MY MISSION – to open the knowledge that helps people make the right choices in all spheres of life and lead them to harmony, happiness.

THE UNIVERSE IS YOU! You are the producer and the screenwriter of the film of your life, which is right now and right here. Your goal is to find a way to Yourself, which means Happiness, Love, and Health!

We can’t change the start, but we can change the end and the quality of the journey.

You would like to know HOW TO BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME and learn HOW TO MANAGE YOUR DESTINY? Come to me for an individual consultation. For this, you would need to provide your date of birth, (time if you know it), place of birth, and book online your appointment.

What is ASTROPSYCHOLOGY or THE FORMULA OF SOUL? This is a discipline that combines the empirical knowledge of astrology with the latest theories of psychology.

THE FORMULA OF SOUL unfolds the potential in each of us. It allows you to see yourself entirely – your strengths and your weaknesses, to distinguish your true nature and desires from those imposed by society. This shows the best way for your development, destined to you at the time of your birth.

This is a unique method for transforming yourself and the world around you. Knowing your Formula of Soul helps you travel through life with a Map and directions!

What the FORMULA OF SOUL can tell you:

  • Your purpose in the professional, creative and financial spheres of your life
  • About your life partner and the possible problems in your relationships
  • About the possibility to organize your own business
  • About the dangers and possible difficulties in your life
  • About the relationships with your management
  • About the possibilities of spiritual growth
  • When to sign important documents
  • How to understand the root causes of all diseases
  • How to adjust and harmonize your own life
  • Help parents understand what kind of children they have and how to raise them and communicate with them properly
  • When and with whom to create a family (compatibility of partners, wedding dates)
  • About the causes of loneliness or problems in the family, and ways out of them  …

… and much more

On this website and my Facebook page, I share useful information about how Astropsychology can help you! Please, follow the news on my Facebook page, leave a comment, or join the discussion!

Read about the meaning of planets used in The formula of Soul in Wikipedia “Planets in astrology”

The Formula of Soul looks like this


Привет, меня зовут Ольга Воробей!


Я – Астропсихолог. Сайт создан для тех, кто хочет улучшить свою жизнь, используя свой потенциал.


“Добиться воплощения своей судьбы – вот единственная подлинная обязанность человека” – Пауло Коэльо

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